I like to build with positive energy, strength, happiness and Organic/Bio*, in equilibrium. I love nature and mountain climbing. Positive growth and a possible sharing joy.

I studied Graphic Design (Bachelor’s Degree) at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City from 1988 to 1992. I came to live in Milan in 1997, in love with the Italian Language, the Italian people (in love with my new Italian family, my daughter, colleagues, teachers and friends). Many things have made me happy in these twenty seven years and some of them I have learned to take benefit from this: become Strengths.

Now, I live in Varese, la "Città giardino” (Garden city inside the gardens of their Villas, town of the Sanctuary of Sacro Monte of Varese, UNESCO World Heritage Site and Isolino Virginia), continue to create new and precious job share opportunities as it has been in all my professional work in Milan.

Certainly, approaching in harmony and serenity relationships with people, clients and friends encourage positive goals. Young ideas and bright imagination contributes to invent extraordinary projects for the graphic design now a days. ​​​​​​​


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